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Who we are
We created the EDUCA Program in the year 2003 in face of the need to provide education to infants, children and adolescents from the very first years of their life on essential matters such as good manners, global values, demeanour and protocol. Our education is based on working on core ethical values such as responsibility, equality, equity, critical thinking, solidarity, honesty and the defence of human rights. We set our stakes on good manners and good education.
We are devoted to the international training of children and young people in socialising protocol using an innovative, enjoyable and highly educational program that is fun and delivers results: THE EDUCA PROTOCOL PROGRAM AIMED AT CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS.
We are an educational company made up of skilled educators with different professional backgrounds and a common aim: educating people. A team of instructors with extensive experience and excellent professional reputation, we are at your service to help prepare seminars, workshops, courses, or to give a conference on our EDUCA Program in any part of the world.

Lucía Bernués. Educational Director.
Bachelor (BA) in Business Administration and Management. Diploma in International Relations. Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Business Administration by the University of Wales. Ceremonial and Protocol Expert by the Universidad Miguel Hernández and Protocol and Institutional Relations Diploma by the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo de Madrid and the Universidad Miguel Hernández.
Lucía started her career path collaborating in the organization of the World Entrepreneur Forum and working in the Institutional Relations Department of Kilroys' Solicitors, in Ireland. Part of her professional life has been devoted to education, giving courses and conferences in education centres, parents' associations, business associations, institutions, etc.
She was a member of the Spanish Protocol Association and has worked in the Protocol and Institutional Relations Department of Expo Zaragoza 2008 and currently combines her instruction and research activity in the XXXX Program with her work as Protocol and Events Consultant in C&P Comunicación y Protocolo.

Jara Bernués. Coordination Director / Management
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) by the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Diploma in Protocol and Institutional Relations by the Universidad de Granada and University Graduate in Protocol by the Escuela Internacional de Protocolo. She started her career working in the development of the NOW Program "New Opportunities for Women", in FEACCU.
She later established her own company, C&P Comunicación y Protocolo, devoted to organizing events and protocol training, working for clients such as Ibercaja, Universidad de Zaragoza, Fundación Anselmo Pié, Bodegas Enate, SEAT, Audi, BMW, Construcciones LOBE, Caja de Ahorros de la Inmaculada, Caja Laboral, BADA, among other companies and institutions. She has written and published several articles and collaborated in weekly programmes about protocol both on radio and TV. Worked as Teacher Collaborator in the Escuela de Protocolo of Madrid and the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza.
She has worked in the Protocol Service Department of the Presidency of the Regional Government of Aragón and currently coordinates the EDUCA Program.