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Infant Educa Program (for 3 to 6 year olds)
With enough time and practice, good manners can become an immediate response because children adopt them as habits; they become a part of their regular behaviour at all times of day. Educated children grow to become adults who treat others with respect and know how to face every situation with confidence.
Between the ages of 3 and 6, we are faced with the first stage of a child's socialization, when they start interacting more intensely with other people outside their home. Family visits, going to birthday parties, getting presents…These are good opportunities to start teaching them to be thankful for the present, where to open it, say thank you…
Education and good manners are an ongoing process that starts when the child is born, beginning with the imitation of the behaviour of other family members and people around the child. Good manners are taught 24h a day, for children learn quickly from everyday situations and as soon as they start communicating through speech, even with basic vocabulary words, these will reflect their learning of social behaviour: saying hello, saying thank you, ask for things saying please, saying sorry, etc.

It's a way of feeling happy. It's a way of making those around us happy and showing respect for them.
If a child knows the essential rules for coexistence and good behaviour, he/she will feel more admired, more secure and therefore, happier.

One of the comments we hear more often from parents when we teach this course is that they feel society today is too permissive and children are too undisciplined. Our recommendation is to always establish limits to children's behaviour. For young people to turn into kind adults, it is necessary, in most cases, that they feel kindness in their environment. These words help.

Topics heard so often, such as setting the table the right way, helping to put each object in its place, how to sit, how to eat certain foods…are well known matters for most, but they always generate doubts.
We solve them with these Workshops.
Dynamic, practical and participative. Educators will be willing to solve any doubts the students may have regarding the subject at hand. The workshops recreate situations the children could have gone through or in which they could find themselves, so they can learn in a practical way which is the adequate behaviour or the words to say at each particular moment.
Aimed at
Workshops and courses aimed at infant girls and boys, between the ages of 3 - 6. They are taught both in education centres and in the facilities of associations, social activity centres, summer camps, etc.