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At these ages, it is necessary to give our personal image the importance it deserves. There are four key points to consider: posture, visual contact, smile and composure when talking to others. The 4 are related with behaviour rules. Do you dare try?

You obviously have to realise that going on a cultural trip with your parents is not the same as going to the beach on holiday, or going camping, or going abroad…We'll give you some tips to help you get it right at all times of day (at the cinema, in the street, in a restaurant…)

The main thing to remember when you go out shopping with your parents or your friends is that it's a good opportunity to be polite. Think of what you need and how you're going to wear it, create your own style and choose using your own judgement, respecting the way each person dresses.

Definitely, yes. But we need to learn how to use them at all times with common sense. For example, if you are in a doctor's waiting room, you shouldn't talk on the phone or listen to music full blast. We will review how to write an email correctly, how to answer the phone when you get a call or how to respect other people's privacy in social networks, YouTube, etc.